Will my teeth shift without retainer for a week

Will my teeth shift without retainer for a week

Do you want to remove your teeth retainer for a week?

Did you just lose your teeth retainer after removing the braces?

Or did you forget to bring your teeth retainer to your holiday vacation?

Are you worried if your teeth are going to move back to their original positions without your retainers?

If you are unable to place the retainer into your teeth for a week, it’s natural for you to ask the question “will my teeth shift without retainer for a week?”

Now, we don’t want to bore you around anymore. Let’s just hop into the answer for your question.

How does a teeth retainer work

So, what does a teeth retainer basically do?

It basically restricts your teeth from going back to their original positions after they have been aligned with braces.

It takes your teeth about four to five months to be permanent in their new positions. 

During this period, the teeth will try to move back to their old positions. And we call this phrase ‘relapse’.

Will my teeth move in a week without retainer

As we have mentioned before, teeth tend to move back to their original position. 

And teeth tend to move pretty quickly.

So, will your teeth shift without retainer for a week?

Yes, it will. Although it won’t move significantly. A week is quite a long time if you consider the movement of the teeth.

The shifting will be only a minor change for a week, yet noticeable.

Will my teeth move in a week without retainer

Most of the people wear teeth retainers only at night. 69% of the people wear teeth retainers every night.

Even though 19% of the people who wore teeth retainers don’t wear them anymore after 18 to 24 months. Well, it’s understandable as your teeth will permanently stay in their new positions after four to five months.

Still, 81% of the people are wearing the teeth retainers even after 18 to 24 months.

The first three months after removing the braces are quite significant for your teeth. If you don’t have your teeth retainer on your teeth during that period, then you might see some minor changes in your teeth positions.

And if you see your teeth retainer is not fitting into your teeth after you have put it away for a week, don’t force it.

You might harm your teeth by doing so. What you can do is, just go visit your orthopedic doctor and ask him to give a new teeth retainer according to your current teeth positions.

The final answer is, yes, your teeth will shift without retainer for a week.

How quickly can teeth shift without a retainer

Your teeth will always want to go back to their original positions after straightening them with braces.

And they want to shift back there as soon as they can.

The most noticeable change you can experience will be after a week.

Some of you might notice it before a week.

We have mentioned it earlier that the first three months after removing the braces are crucial for you.

The peak time of ‘relapse’ is considered to be those three months. In these three months, your teeth will move more quickly than other times.

So, make sure you don’t remove your teeth retainer more than a week in the first three months after removing the braces off your teeth.

How long can you go without your retainer

So, how much will your teeth move without retainer?

And how long can you stay away from your teeth retainer?

Can you stay away from your teeth retainer for a week?

Will your teeth shift without retainer for two weeks?

Will your teeth shift without retainer for two days?

Or perhaps, will your teeth shift without retainer for a day?

There are tons of questions about how long you can go without your retainer.

How long can you go without your retainer

If we start by removing your retainer for a day, then you need not to worry about it. Your teeth won’t in a day without your teeth retainers.

The same goes for two days without your teeth retainer. You won’t see any noticeable changes in your teeth in two days without your retainer.

Now, we’ve said it earlier about the changes that you might see if you don’t put on your retainer for an entire week.

The rule of wearing a retainer is that you put on your retainers every night before going to sleep. If you don’t do it for a week or more, then you will notice some minor changes in your teeth positions.

The same goes for two weeks without retainer. But, the changes are not neglectable anymore. You might see some gaps between your teeth as the teeth will shift back and forth to gain their original position.

Orthopedic doctors suggest that you should put on your retainer everyday for three to twelve months after removing the braces.

That means, you have to wear them even after your teeth establish themselves to their new positions.

Will my teeth retainer cause damage to my teeth 

As you have to wear your teeth retainer every night for almost a year, there is a possibility that your teeth may get damaged.

The maximum amount of time you can use a retainer is four to five years. After that, you may have to change your retainers.

As you know, 81% percent of the people still wear a retainer even if their teeth get fit into their new positions.

That’s why, you have to change your teeth retainer after five years so you don’t damage your teeth.

The real problem arises when your teeth go through a relapse. If your teeth shift even a little, your retainer may not fit into your teeth anymore.

In that scenario, you don’t have to push your retainer into your teeth. That will only destroy your beautiful smile.

When you see some changes in your teeth position, make sure to ask your orthodontist to give you a new retainer.


Retainers are very crucial for long-term treatments in the orthodontic world.

If you don’t have your retainer with you right now and you will be away from that for more than a week, then you should try to talk with your orthodontist and buy a retainer from there.

And if it’s too late to use the same retainer as before because your teeth already have shifted, don’t panic, you just need a new retainer and all will be fine.

We hope that we were able to relieve you from a little amount of anxiety for your retainers. 

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