Is Orbit Gum Good for Your Teeth

Is Orbit Gum Good for Your Teeth?

Orbit gum is a sugar-free gum that cleans your teeth and gives a fresh feel to the mouth. The ingredients in it prevent tooth decay and maintain the pH level of the oral cavity.

You might love it and maybe consume orbit gums every day. Probably you have started to wonder- is Orbit gum good for your teeth?

Well, the answer is yes!

The ADA suggests it for oral health. It is good for your teeth after each meal. It is good for your teeth and serves many beneficial purposes. The dentists suggest people with braces to clean their mouths as they are not permitted to brush. It is one kind of complete oral care element.

Is orbit gum sugar-free?

Yes, Orbit chewing gum is sugar-free. Sorbitol and less than 2% of mannitol are used to sweeten orbit chewing gum.

These non-cavity-causing sweeteners are good for teeth as they are sugar-free and thus helps to prevent cavities.

Is orbit gum good for your teeth?

Orbit gum is good for your teeth as it consists of sorbitol and mannitol. These are non-cavity-causing sweeteners.

Non-cavity-causing sweeteners activate the salivary glands more and the glands make the flow of saliva more than at other times. It reduces plaque acid and strengthens the teeth.

Orbit gum makes the cavity less acidic. So, the teeth remain in a healthy condition.

Orbit gum is good for teeth before eating and before bed as it increases the flow of saliva which will help to digest the food, passing through the digestive system and cleaning your mouth before sleeping.

Does orbit gum really clean your teeth?

Yes, it cleans your teeth to some extent. As it increases the activity of salivary glands, the saliva cleans the bacteria from your mouth. The acidity is also maintained.

Orbit gum can clean teeth even if you are wearing braces on your teeth. Dentists suggest that people with braces chew orbit gum after a meal to clean their mouths as they will not be able to brush.

Does orbit gum whiten your teeth?

Does orbit gum whiten your teeth

Orbit gum does white your teeth as it contains xylitol. Gums without any whitening agent can also whiten your teeth to a certain level. It is one kind of marketing policy to sell products.

As orbit gums contain xylitol, it gives a refreshed feeling when chewed. It cleans your mouth.

How many orbit chewing gums may I consume daily?

It is suggested to intake about 2/3 tabs per day which are assumed not to be harmful to oral health.

Benefits of Orbit gum

As the orbit gum is sugar-free, it can improve the teeth’ health. The benefits are –

1.    Sorbitol and mannitol activate the working of salivary glands

2.   More saliva decreases the acidity in plaque

3.   Delivered calcium and fluorine increase the strength of teeth

4.   Xylitol gives a fresh feeling to the mouth

5.   Chewing orbit gum after dinner can help the digestion system

6.   People with braces can chew orbit gum after eating food for about 20 minutes to clean your mouth

7.   Chewing orbit gum after lunch or dinner can relieve acidity

8.   Eradicates the bacteria in plaque

Side effects of orbit chewing gum?

Orbit chewing gum also has side effects if consumed excessively. These are

1.    Jawline main

2.   Facial pain

3.   Weaken roots

4.   Decay of enamel

5.   Fracture line on the surface of teeth

6.   Headache

7.   Digestion symptoms people suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)

8.   Malabsorption of nutrients

9.   Gas burns

10. Diarrhea at the severe level

But consuming a certain quantity doesn’t harm your teeth.

Final Words

Orbit gum is good for your teeth and is even suggested by dentists. It cleans the mouth even without brushing. But consuming it to an excessive extent can cause oral health failure.

Its constituent elements are synthetic sweeteners which are harmful if taken at the excess level.

Nothing on earth is unmixed, so there are some beneficial and harmful effects of the orbit chewing gum on our oral health. So, we should choose wisely what we are consuming and the side effects on our bodies.

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