Can You Eat Ramen After Wisdom Teeth Removal 

Can You Eat Ramen After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal is a minor dental surgery. You can recover from this surgery by having and avoiding specific kinds of foods.

Many of us want to know – “Can you eat ramen after wisdom teeth removal?”. The answer is yes. You can have a specific kind of ramen containing a lot of broth after this surgery. There are different types of ramens. But you can not include every kind of ramen in your diet. 

You have to eat foods from the diet recommended by the dentist. You must avoid foods forbidden by the dentist. 

If you follow each and every piece of advice, you will recover after a certain period. And to know about this in detail, stick with us till the end.

Why can’t you eat regular solid food for a certain period after wisdom teeth removal? 

If you eat regular solid food before the time the doctor forbids us to, it can damage the injured part even more. It will only elongate the time of not being able to eat solid food as well as the healing period.

The sharp edges of a solid food can open the stitches and displace the blood colt. The displacement of the blood clot can lead to having a dry socket eventually. 

It will also cause us immense pain every time the sharp edges of the solid food touches the injured part. The small pieces of the solid food may get stuck in the injured area. It will extend our recovery time.

What are foods you have to strictly avoid during the recovery period of wisdom teeth extraction?

You can not eat foods according to your preferences during this period. Dentists strictly forbid you to have some foods. Some of them are –

  • Chewy foods:

Hard and chewy foods are strictly forbidden in this recovery period. The sharp edges of the chewy foods might open the stitches which will eventually lead to displacement of blood clot. 

  • Spicy and acidic food:
Spicy food

This kind of food will cause immense pain to the wound and elongates your recovery period.

  • Foods containing grains and seeds:

The size of grains and seeds are very small. These small pieces may take place in the wound. That’s why, it is advised to completely avoid foods containing grains and seeds

  • Alcohol

The different ingredients of alcohol creates irritation in the wound. It is advised to be avoided in this healing process.

  • Milk and milk based food:

It is advised to avoid milk and milk based food for the first week generally. Because these products usually cause nausea which leads to sedation. It is not compatible with antibiotics.

Can you eat ramen after wisdom teeth removal?

You can have a specific kind of ramen after wisdom teeth removal. Some reasons behind that are-

Ramen is a comfort food to many of us in general. 

It is favorite to many of us as- 

  • it is easy to make 
  • it takes less time to make
  • it is tasty as well
Real Human Wisdom Tooth

The style of making ramen is different according to the preferences of different people. But you can have ramen easily without sliced pork or other solid addons after wisdom teeth removal.  

Ramen is perfect as a meal in this recovery period of wisdom teeth removal.

The reasons behind that are –

  • The noodles is soft and doesn’t need hard chewing 
  • It contains a lot of broth which fulfills our fluid demand
  • It is tasty as well and in this period, we have to avoid the so-called tasty foods.

What are foods you can easily have after the wisdom teeth extraction?

After wisdom teeth removal, you are advised to avoid solid foods and have a lot of soft food and fluid. The food which doesn’t need a lot of chewing and is easy to digest is called soft food.

The foods you are advised to include in your diet for a certain period after wisdom teeth extraction:

  • Ramen (without solid food and with a lot of broth)
  • Mashed potatoes 
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Mashed bananas
  • Banana ice-cream
  • Avocado
  • Smoothies (Avoid using straws)
  • Hummus
  • Oatmeals
  • Salmon
  • Mashed pumpkins
  • Apple puree
  • Quinoa
  • Pudding 

Which type of ramen should be included and excluded in your diet after wisdom teeth extraction? 

There are different types of ramens. Every person makes their own ramen based on their preferences. But you can not have ramen according to your preferences during the recovery period.  

Dentists usually include the soup ramen in your diet during this healing period. Because it has a lot of broth, the noodles are very soft and easy to chew. It is kind of having solid food without harming your injured area. 

Dentists generally exclude some kinds of ramen in this period after wisdom teeth removal. Different kinds of ramen to avoid in the period are-

  •  The crunchy noodle ramen: 

This kind of ramen is considered as a solid food as it’s hard to chew. It will cause us immense pain if the sharp edges touch the recovery sight. It might open the stitches and eventually cause displacement if the blood clot.        

  • The spicy ramen noodles:

Spicy foods are highly forbidden in this period. So we must avoid spicy ramens.

When can you have regular foods after wisdom teeth extraction

It generally takes upto 2 weeks to recover and heal from wisdom teeth extraction surgery. If you follow the rules according to your prescription and diet, the stitches might be removed after 1 week.


It is okay to have a specific kind of ramen recommended by the dentist. You must avoid spicy and chewy ramens. But you can have ramen which contains a lot of broth and softly boiled noodles. 

If you don’t want to elongate your recovery period, you must avoid chewy, spicy, acidic foods. Also avoid foods containing grains and seeds, milk and alcohol and eat according to your diet recommended by the dentist.

 If you eat foods from your diet, you are likely to fully recover in 2 weeks. 

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